Medical malpractice Failure to diagnose cervical cancer.
Medical malpractice complications from lower torso surgery
Medical malpractice death of a mother during delivery of baby.
Medical malpractice operation on the wrong part of the lower extremity with no life-threatening results.
Aviation crash case where the family of a flight attendant died as a result of the crash.
Premise liability wrongful shooting death in parking garage due to an overzealous security guard.
Premises liability for attempted rape and attack at an apartment complex.
Settlement on Employment case where the client who needed the job due to having a disabled child was raped by her superior over several months and was about to sign away her rights for $50,000 before contacting our firm settlement.
Premises liability wrongful death to young prison inmate undisclosed amount to settle due to confidentiality.
Suit on Contract against Life Insurance Company for withholding death benefit.
Auto wreck case where the defendant had diabetic episode just prior to collision killing client.
Auto wreck case where the defendant was on his cell phone at time of the collision, massive facial injury to Plaintiff.